This Intelligent/Automatic Cooking Machine, also known as Cooking Robot, is designed for healthy cooking. It is made from high-quality stainless steel while the pot inside the machine is made with titanium. The inside pot is detachable and has an automatic stirring device. It can be used for frying, steaming, boiling, grilling, stewing, baking, roasting, and many other forms of food preparation.
The Cooking Robot uses a far-infrared fibre heating system, which makes cooking faster, reduces fat and kill bacteria in the food being cooked, as well as inspire food with a deeper flavour.
The machine removes bad cholesterol and toxins in foods while retaining their nutrients. It can be used to fry meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs, without any vegetable oil; it uses the oil in these food items to do the frying while extracting the excess. Very little oil is required to cook your food with this robot. For example, you can cook a pot of jollof rice with just one or two tablespoonfuls of oil with the machine, thus reducing the absorption of oil, which is the major source of bad cholesterol in the body. Many cases of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases have been linked to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body. Foods prepared with this robot retain all the desired nutrients and are thus healthier, tastier, and beneficial to the body.
Capacity – 4.5L; Voltage – 220v; Watt – 1406w; Saves 60% energy.
The pot inside the machine is made with titanium mainly for health reasons. Titanium cookware has a non-stick surface so the food does not stick to the bottom of the pot or get burnt. Eating charred or burnt food induces gastric cancer. Also, Titanium cookware does not allow leaching of metal or toxins into the food like some other cookware. Cooking with aluminium pots, for example, leaches the metal easily into the food being cooked, especially acidic foods such as tomato sauce. In large quantities, this metal can be harmful. Studies have identified aluminium as a toxin for the human nervous system, immune system and genetic system.
In 2007, aluminium was added to the list of top priority toxins in the United States by that country’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Aluminium leaching into food became a source of concern when a large amount of the metal was found in the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, usually characterised by rapid degeneration of the brain.
Although a large percentage of ingested aluminium is often excreted by the kidneys, such excretion is difficult in some people with a certain health condition. It is better to prevent the body from ingesting aluminium, other metals or toxins rather than trusting your kidney to flush them out. There is no leaching of toxin into food with the use of titanium cookware.