Awful consequences of stress and pressure are common issues that most people have to deal with in modern life. They may come from tons of workloads, traffic jams, deadlines, stressful tasks, and more. All of these could lead to tiredness and stress. The head massager is a brain relaxation therapy device that helps to alleviate health conditions occasioned by stress. It massagers head acupuncture points thus helping to enhance memory, relax head muscles, calm the brain, promote blood circulation, improve metabolism, relieve pain and pressure, relieve sleeplessness, improve working and learning efficiency, and enhance the immune system, .
The development of this head massager is based on the reflexology points on the head that correspond to organs in the body. (Reflexology is a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illnesses, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the head, feet, and hands, linked to every part of the body). So when these reflex points are massaged, a lot of health conditions in other parts of the body are alleviated or treated.
By wearing a head massager, you could feel the relaxation immediately on your scalp. The head massager is equipped with a system of tips that massage your head through different nerves.
Treats Headaches and Migraines
Through a system of mild vibrations, it helps massage all of the pressure points on your scalp. It is amazing that within a short session of 10 minutes per day; more than 65% of headaches and migraines are relieved or completely removed. For people who often have to solve related-desk tasks, the head massager helps relieve stress after a hard day’s work.
Reduces Sleeplessness
If you are experiencing chronic sleeplessness, massage therapy relaxes your body and brings deeper sleep. Regular use of this massager before going to bed helps enhance the sleep quality and alertness of users.
Enhances Flexibility in Neck and Shoulders
The head massager positively impacts other related parts of your body, such as the eyes, neck, and shoulders, making them more flexible.
Improves Blood Circulation
Massage therapy is successfully considered as an effective method in enhancing the blood circulation of users. This great function comes from the abundant supply of nutrition and oxygen to different head nerves. As a result, it enables the blood flow without any obstacle. The model is very awesome for removing all toxins out of your body and improving your immune system. The improvement in the immune system plays an important role in protecting users from common health problems such as flu, heart attack, headache, tiredness, etc.
Relieves Facial Muscles
One of the most outstanding options to retain the beauty of your body is using an effective head massager. It helps to relieve your tired facial muscles. In addition, using a head massager in the right way also encourages hair growth.
- Drink a glass of water before and after use.
- Do not use it on someone with a metal or electronic implant on the head.
- It should not be used on someone who has undergone head or brain surgery in the last two years.
- It can be powered with three AAA size batteries or electricity.